In response to the turmoil in Pennsylvania's EMS system and the Senate Health and Human Services hearing on June 6, 2023, the Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania established an EMS Workforce and Solutions Group to bring stakeholders together with the purpose of strengthening our EMS system. The stakeholders included AAP Board members, regional council directors/representatives, the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of Health, Bureau of EMS staff, and staff from the Pennsylvania legislature. The turnout was incredible, with people from across the Commonwealth, even individuals who had previously refused to participate in meetings.
We reviewed the Senate Resolution 6 report, discussed legislation introduced during the 2022/2023 legislative session, spoke with representatives from the National Registry of EMS about their low pass rates, funding EMS staff through an apprentice program, and many other topics. Several critical areas emerged as the most important goals for saving EMS. These included hiring and properly compensating an EMS workforce, receiving reasonable, consistent, and direct reimbursement from commercial health insurance plans, and receiving funding from local municipalities to cover the public safety services that EMS performs daily without compensation. Several process improvements were suggested to the Bureau of EMS. However, the reality is, EMS needs meaningful legislative changes to save EMS system and protect the citizens of the Commonwealth.
Meaningful legislative changes start with all of you. We need you all to talk to your state representatives and senators, along with your local municipal leaders. Without everyone’s help we won’t have the necessary traction to move legislation.
The AAP has worked hard to develop a document that allows us to send a consistent message. The document is titled “Access to EMS and Patient Billing Protections.” It allows us all to be on the same page and to send a consistent message, which is so important to be successful.
In “Access to EMS and Patient Billing Protections” you will see concerns and solutions. These include Governor Shapiro’s 2025/2026 budget where he blatantly excluded funding for EMS, but increased funding to police and fire. The lack of consistent payment by health plans and the lack of funding from local municipalities.
We want to get this document to our members early so we are united in our conversations prepared for the new legislative session.
Mark your calendars. The AAP is requesting your participation for a DAY ON THE HILL. This will be May 13, 2025, at the Pennsylvania State Capital Building. This will include a press conference in the rotunda, an opportunity for you to meet with your legislators or their staff, so you can highlight the importance of saving EMS before the budget becomes their only priority in June.
Please feel free to share with your colleagues. Encourage all your neighboring EMS agencies to attend and to contact their representatives. Encourage your employees to reach out as well; provide them with the information they can send a consistent message.
If you require any additional information, please contact or email Heather at or 717-512-5609.
AAP 2025 Talking Points.pdf